How to Cure Acne Naturally

Acne can be a terribly frustrating problem. Fortunately, there are many natural and holistic ways to control it.

In this video I share with you things I did to help treat my aggressive acne naturally.

Natural soap, bentonite clay, tea tree oil, sleeping on my back, and meditation have all helped me greatly decrease the severity of my acne.

What has helped you??

Real Resolutions: You 2.0

Pshh, New Years resolutions are so 2102 😛  let’s start making DAILY RESOLUTIONS!

Daily affirmations and positivity practice have changed my life; Enhanced my contentment, motivation, passion, compassion, spirituality, drive, confidence, my overall sense of well-being.

EVERYDAY make a resolution, that TODAY will be AWESOME. That YOU are a KICK ASS PERSON! An alive, breathing, incredible HUMAN BEING! YOU are the author to your own novel; your precious life.

Simple practices such as daily affirmations and positivity may seem silly… they can seem…well, too simple! But man have I learned in life that often simple things are the most POWERFUL! Reminding yourself what you are deeply grateful for, cultivating positivity, visualizing your goals, your true self, your desires and your aspirations through verbal and visual affirmations is a way to communicate with your subconscious mind.

Allowing the subconscious to know what we want to become and what we are grateful for, will facilitate a transformational shift and a manifestation of our deepest desires.

I have been striving to practice positive thinking and affirmations and they undoubtedly work for me…of course sometimes I still get in slumps and fall out of a positive, encouraging mindset. I have recently been in one… feelings of sadness, a loss of direction and motivation had been encumbering me… But I spent time searching, meditating on WHY  I was feeling this way and how I should deal with these negative emotions. Instead of simply ignoring the feelings and letting them sit below the surface of my consciousness, where they will still affect me. I then switched my focus back on the positives, on what I’m grateful for, on what I want, on the PRESENT MOMENT and on daily affirmations, and now I’m  getting back on track 🙂

Imagine your thoughts as another person, hanging out with you all the time.

If you had someone everyday whispering in your ear… “You’re not good enough, you are ugly, you will never find you niche.” It would surely limit your potential for growth; make you believe these statements to be true when in reality they are far from that!

 I’d much rather have a person hanging around giving me encouragement. “YOUR’E A GREAT PERSON! UNIQUE! SMART! ATTRACTIVE, INSIDE AND OUT!Not in an egotistical way, but an encouraging way.


The encouraging friend would serve as a catalyst for the improvement of our life. They would help us to align with our inner truth, our inner values, our deepest desires and to learn to love ourselves for who we are. Furthermore, when we learn to love and accept ourselves we can more intimately love and accept others.

Let us use daily affirmations. When we wake up, throughout the day, before sleep. Post them on our mirrors. Look deep into our eyes in a mirror and repeat affirmations in a passionate and meaningful manner! PUMP OURSELVES UP!!

Your affirmations may sounds something like these..







(remember to focus what we wantnot what we don’t want; for example. “I AM CONFIDENT!” rather than, “I DON’T WANT TO BE SHY!” Our subconscious will still recognize the word “shy.” If we want to become more confident we must make ourselves believe we ARE confident; shyness can’t even be in the picture. Then, we can TRULY become more confident.

An exercise to further enhance positivity is simply taking a couple minutes each day to deeply meditate on what you are grateful for.

Incorporating affirmations and positivity practice will allow us to become the better version of ourselves; Enhancing contentment, motivation, passion, compassion, drive, confidence and overall sense of well-being!

It’s time to get back on track, feel free to join me 🙂


With Love,


How to Raise Consciousness and Enhance Harmony

The world as we “know” it is only a description of the world. Therefore, when it comes to beliefs, arguments etc. it’s essential to know that no one is right or wrong, and that we are all viewing and perceiving this world differently!

Having a dogmatic, fixed belief or explanation of the world will limit our ability to greater understand this beautifully mysterious Universe. Being open to others perceptions will bring a new light to our view of the world and allow us to learn things we never knew we could learn or thought we even wanted to learn!

Implementing this concept into our lives will allows us to facilitate the cultivation of LOVE and to create harmony amongst ourselves, others and the world around us.

– I do not own the pictures or music in this video –

With Love,


Importance of Smiling at Others.

Smiling is not only good for you, it is also contagious, inspirational, and motivating!

Smile, wave, say hello to strangers! We are all in this together! The more we connect with each other the more efficiently we can benefit the Earth and others!

What do you think about smiling at strangers? Share your opinion!

With Love,


Techniques for Curing Procrastination

Chronic procrastination is detrimental to our lives but is a tough habit to beat.

Breaking a bad habit takes will power, motivation, and determination.

ANY positive change is in our hands if we are up for the challenge.

With a strong desire to beat chronic procrastination and with some ideas in mind we can change this bad habit and allow ourselves to be more productive, achieve more success, experience less stress and have better quality work.

– Disperse your Work

– Set Schedules and Deadlines

– Avoid Distractions

– Good Environment

– Positive Mindset

– Physical Activity, Meditation, and Good Diet.

Please share things that have worked for you!

With Love,

The Wisdom of Nature

The more we understand Nature the more we will understand ourselves.

A lack of connection with Nature, and higher concern for material possessions than ourselves and this Earth, is the root of many personal problems and problems in the world.

If we are feeling confused about life, the meaning of life, or feeling that life is a curse, a great remedy and explanation is to seek the wisdom of Nature; to understand that we are apart of the astonishing world around us, and are infinitely connected to it.

Appreciate that intricacies of Nature, and reflect and meditate on the fact that we are just as extraordinary and intricate as the Nature around us.

Endeavor to learn from Nature; for it has many lessons, explanations and wisdom to provide us with.

“Seek and see all the marvels around you. You will get tired of looking at yourself alone, and that fatigue will make you deaf and blind to everything else.” -Don Juan Matus, “The Teachings of Don Juan”

With Love,


Becoming Less Vulnerable And Unstable

The more we attach ourselves to, and rely on, other things and other people, the more vulnerable and unstable we become. We must be intrinsically strong and balanced first.

Pure contentment is only found within ourselves.

We must learn more about ourselves and the world around us to achieve this contentment.

Once established, this pure happiness will allow us to take our relationships with people and things to a level never before possible. These people and things will began to feed our happiness not control it.

With Love,


How to Dramatically Improve Your Life

I talk about four fundamental practices that I put more emphasis on in my life that allowed me to be more positive, motivated, fulfilled and energized. I personally experienced a life without these practices and the positive changes and results that came along with adding them into my life. I urge you to consistently incorporate these four practices into your life – if you are not already doing so – to benefit yourself holistically.

1) Eating and Drinking Good: Taking responsibility for learning about what you should and shouldn’t be putting into your body, and benefiting from a healthy diet holistically.

2) Exercise: Regular adequate movement will improve health, energy, focus, vitality, self-esteem, and positivity.

3) Positive Thinking: Surrounding yourself with positive people, being in positive environments and thinking positively will manifest positive things into your life.
4) Spiritual Practice: Spiritual, Awareness or Energy practice will allow you to better handle stress thus leading to better health, improve clarity, enhance your overall well-being, and improve your connection with Nature.

These are not the only four things you should be practicing, focusing on or changing. The power of them tends to be underestimated, and I personally feel they are the most fundamental aspects to get you on the path to the life you have always wanted to live, if incorporated into your life on a daily basis.

With Love,


Sources of Facts

-There is a 40% chance the next water you drink has gone through someones sewer or an industrial pipeline filled with wastes poison and bacteria. (“Healing with Whole Foods” (Book) Paul Pitchford. Page 123)

-70,000 chemicals are now in commercial production of food and water, and the EPA has listed 60,000 of them as either potentially or definitely hazardous to human health. (“Healing with Whole Foods” (Book) Paul Pitchford. Page 125)

-East Asian healing arts tell us that exercise is necessary to receive good nutrition from from our food. (“Healing with Whole Foods” (Book) Paul Pitchford. Page 25)

-Adequate movement balances the liver/gall bladder complex which is the center for making biochemicals that influence our moods and emotions. (“Healing with Whole Foods” (Book) Paul Pitchford. Page 25-26)


Religion and Belief Systems: New Times Require a New Approach

This post is of great significance to me. I have had a strong passion towards religion for as long as I can remember. Not in the way of following a specific one, but in the way of learning about them and trying to help people free themselves from the separation religion and belief systems can cause and the dogmas that can confine oneself and block access to our conciseness, mind, body and spirit from the Universe, Nature, the Cosmos, God; whatever you want to call it. And doing this in a way that does not disrespect another or their culture or belief.

(the word “Cosmos” means the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system.)

I was forced into religion in my childhood. It created the most utter confusion in me that there was only one, specific, cut and dry way that could explain everything while I was aware of other religions, explanations and possibilities. I was feared into believing in and following Catholicism through being told it was the TRUTH, the idea of Heaven and Hell, and being a young impressionable boy. I was terrified to even think about not praying before I went to bed, for I thought this would result in my eternal suffering or my un-acceptance to everlasting life in Heaven. I couldn’t help feeling that entire dedication to this whole idea, lifestyle, and explanation for humanity was not only ill-fitting for me, but somewhat limiting to the growth and development of myself and my attitude towards my life on earth.

When I finally stopped doing and believing what I was told to do by my religious leaders, started exploring myself and what I felt was right, other beliefs and non dogmatic spiritual ways, I truly became free. This was one of the most liberating and transformational times in my life.

I have spent a lot of time learning, reading and researching about different religions in the world, and I have the utmost respect for all of them.

I understand how significantly personal a religious belief  can be to an individual, therefore I am not advocating the abolishment of religion. I want to inspire you to take a step back and look at the whole picture. To be able to decide for yourself what YOU want to believe. To keep clear of Dogmas, and Aristotelean logic which usually are programmed into our brain during our youth. To not take your religious scriptures entirely literally, but as guidelines, lessons and examples available to help you live your life. To not believe everything you hear. And to realize that sometimes you have to go against some aspects of your religion or what your religious leader preaches in order to fully benefit from your religion. Peoples attitudes towards religion, and confining, limiting thought mechanisms can prevent Religions’ benefits from prospering.

Where do the problems start?

Individuals’ unhealthy relationships with their religion shows that religion isn’t always the root of the problem, its peoples’ attitudes towards their religion. Instead of applying the religious teachings to their personal lives, some chose to use their religion to reinforce their self-centered attitudes. Some begin to relate to their religion as something they own or as a label that separates them from others; making them feel superior to others. Sometimes this is done by an individual without even realizing that they are doing it.

Religions and Belief systems can be incredibly beneficial if handled correctly, and with common sense. They can help one grow ethically and to higher levels of consciousness and spirituality that would have not been attainable otherwise. We MUST realize though, that not everyone needs one specific religion, any religion or any belief system to reach this point, and they will not be punished nor are they wrong.


What are the thought mechanisms that sometimes come along with religions and belief systems that are limiting to our growth?

A dogma is an established belief or doctrine held by a religious group or organization that is authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted, or diverged from by the practitioners or believers. Following a dogma is implying that your way or dogma is correct and is the only right way. This is not only disrespectful and limiting to your ability to constantly learn, expand and grow holistically, but also disrespectful to another persons beliefs and values.

Sure, one religion or school of thought may work best for YOU and may SEEM right for you. But this does not mean that it is THE ONLY RIGHT WAY.

These dogmas limit the size of our consciousness.  Following theses dogmas may begin to cause internal turmoil. You may begin to question your belief or dogma because your intuition and inner self is telling you to. Eventually this dogma will become programmed into your mind and you will no longer be able to think out side of your dogmatic box and you will no longer be able accept new stimuli from the Universe and expand and grow your consciousness. You will then be stuck with a consciousness the size of a golf ball, when you could have limitless consciousness without these bureaucratic, dogmatic, disempowering beliefs. Im not saying that you shouldn’t have faith in your belief, just be aware that convincing your self that your belief is THE ONLY WAY, (especially if you don’t fully agree with everything it entails) is detrimental to your relationship with God, the Universe, the Cosmos etc, and your relationships with your fellow people.

This leads me to another thinking mechanism that can keep us confined, can cause endless arguments, and is the reasoning behind debates of any sort and religious disputes. This thinking mechanism is called Aristotelean logicAristotelean logic is basically the process of thinking that something is A or not A, or if it is not A than it must be B.

For example:

Nature vs Nurture.

You’re either this religion or your wrong and condemned.

People are merely dead matter, die and that’s it or people are spiritual entities that continue to thrive eternally.

This way of life IS the BEST and this one IS the WORST.

These are just some examples to allow you to understand this thought mechanism. It implies that something is either all of this over here or all of that over there; Aristotelean Logic is very limiting, rigid and confining.

We need to realize that things can be both A and not A, or A and B, while simultaneously being neither of them at all. Humans experience everything slightly different, therefore no one has the RIGHT answer just an interpretation of something that SEEMS right to them. Reprogramming our brains to no think using Aristotelean logic can end countless arguments and debates and allow us to see that while no one is right, no one is wrong either. Thus improving unity with our fellow humans.

The words of different religions contradict each other, it seems no one religion is right and no one religion is wrong.
God, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, The Cosmos, A Monotheistic God, Polytheistic Gods etc: I now don’t deny any of these because to me they are all the objective manifestations of the convoluted ways the universe works. It seems explanations for humanity are not capable and are not meant to be completely understood by us; how boring would that be if there was not a little mystery! The world gives us plenty of clues about how significant, astonishing, marvelous, magnificent, and special this place is. No one religion or belief system can entirely capture the marvel of Life and explain everything with words and rituals; Religions can though, serve as a ladder into the world of higher consciousness IF they are approached and handled correctly.

I believe that everything and anything is true if you believe it to be true. If you are Catholic, Christian, Muslim or Jewish you will be with your personal God after your life here on earth. If you are a Buddhist you will become enlightened. If you are a Hindu you will reach Brahman. If you are a worshiper of Satan then you’ll be with Hades himself after your life on earth, etc.

What I’m trying to convey is that no way of thinking is right or wrong; as we presume things to be, so they become.

Your religion or belief is something that should not be exploited by you. It is something personal and deep, something that another may never understand. It isn’t about what you label yourself as, it’s about your connection, your appreciation, and your attitude towards the Cosmos, the Universe, Nature, God, etc. Claiming that your religion IS the only right way is disrespectful to your fellow humans that believe their religion SEEMS to be the right way. I’m not saying you should not believe or follow a religion; just don’t go around claiming yours to be “The Truth” or “The Only Way.” This encourages people to feel superior to others because they are “saved” while the non-belivers are wrong and condemned.  I understand that some religions require you to think that that religion is “The Only Way” and you can’t believe anything else for that’s a sin. This is when you have to be literate and aware of religion, its origin, your personal values, and the people preaching these bureaucratic rules to you.

Realize that the majority of dogmatic religions were created in a time when we thought we were the center of the Universe and we knew far less about how incredibly complex this Universe is. Realize that religions may have been used as a form of control, to an extent. Realize that words are easily interpreted subjectively; never take your religious scriptures entirely literally because you may be acting in accordance with it when you have been interpreting it all wrong. When religions require you to marry another person in the same religion as you, realize this is absurd. You can not choose whom you fall in love with. Love is a gift given to two people as an opportunity to realize themselves, and to learn from each other. Marrying someone outside of your religion or belief is a beautiful thing, for you will be constantly learning from each other. Realize there are still going to be people saying “you can’t pick parts of the religion that you want, it’s all or nothing” and Realize that these are the people with a golf ball size consciousness when your consciousness will be limitless in size when you free yourself from dogmas, aristotelean logic and these people. Realize that just because someone is telling you to live a certain way does not mean you have to live that way. Realize that humans had a large impact on how religions were constructed, and that humans are prone to errors. Realize that you can believe whatever you WANT to believe. Realize there is no accuracy; quantum mechanics shows that we are limited to our perceptions and that reality is only what it is according to the instrument (our senses) that it is being perceived through. Realize that every model we make trying to explain the universe tells us how our mind works not just about the Universe. The Universe itself is bigger and far more complex than any of our models. Realize every type of ignorance in the world is the result of not realizing that our perceptions are subjective and tentative. When we realize that were all looking through our own slightly different reality instrument it is easy to see where other people are coming from, and to no judge and separate ourselves from others. Realize people who have different reality instruments than us are not wrong or ignorant, they just have a different instruments! Realize that every persons’ instrument tells us something interesting about our world, if we are open to listening. Realize that if you Realize all of these things it should be common sense that parts of the religious systems, or any belief systems are not necessarily beneficial, and that blindly following a dogmatic religion or belief system, and proclaiming that it’s the only way or the only correct answer is unjust. 

I chose to share my thoughts with you in hopes to create more unity among people and to free people from being limited by viewing their religion or belief as the TRUTH and the ONLY RIGHT way. Disengage Aristotelean logic which has been embedded in almost all of our minds at some point in our lives. Realize that as we presume things to be, so they become. Everyone views things and perceives life differently, Thus no one religion or way of life IS RIGHT or WRONG.

I want to clarify that I am not bashing on religion, or trying to offend anyone in any way. I think  properly handled religious beliefs or spirituality/spiritual practices are essential for experiencing life to its fullest potential. I see the power in religion, but with this great power comes the power to do harm.

The universe is unlimited love, knowledge and wisdom; if we are open to accepting it.

It’s a new time, and this requires us to approach religion in a new way; if we choose to follow a religion.

Love, be compassionate and humble, and never separate yourself from another according to the way you perceive the world. Please.

With Love,
